Having a personal experience with an author of a book can wake up an interest to read from their book and some of the reasons can be because, we must think reading is boring, or sometimes we consider ourselves weak or lazy readers that we prefer someone else to read for us. However, who is going to be there to read to as on all times?

I believe reading is important to the learning, as a matter of fact my grand mother eventhough she didn't had a great school preparation, or that she didn't went to high school and not even finished elementary school, she knows lots of information just by reading such as healingh preceedures, cooking, history, science, foreign cultures, and all of this just by reading books. My grand mother is an actual active reader, as a consecuence that she has an intellingence that I believe reading books has made her be. She has gromn plants by following examples in reading, also in cooking tips. She will not forget were she leaves stuff. The richness of reading builts the knowledge of a person in life. I think reading has power in life.

Sometimes I can't feel or tell why many good readers feels about reading a lecture, or a book. When I use to see people reading huge books like the harry potter book. I just don't know how much time I could spent trying to read the hole book. Recently as I have experienced a couple of book presentations, my mind showed up an interest on the lecture to the poin of acquire both books I had read in the book "Filipinos in San Diego," which is about history of the first colonists or migrants in the State of California. When this book was presented I just wanted to have the money avaliable to purchase it right away to have a special signature from the authors.
Not long time after, I had an other experience with Ella deCastro's books presentation. As I was hearing from her reading, as a result I just found out how her book is so funny in the way she writes and defines every moment in the lecture. I felt so good and with a great priviledge to hear from the author's reading, for Ella deCastro is the author, I've noticed how easy she could disfocuse her eyes from the book and just continuing the narration of the story, that was to me a surprise, "well she knows what she wrote then I said." A four or five year book preparation work, that is just the best book to read as it is not just any book, it is a book detailed to collect and remember and re-read it in the elderly future to our teenagers.

Itchy Brown Girl Seeks Employment
By Ella deCastro
Looking at myself, I have noticed that I do like reading, however; it must be read by someone first so I can feel the desire to read more, or know more. Most of the time i could lose the focuse on the reding, when i get to other activities. But i know If i want to succeed I must read because
Reading is Important!!
Not long time after, I had an other experience with Ella deCastro's books presentation. As I was hearing from her reading, as a result I just found out how her book is so funny in the way she writes and defines every moment in the lecture. I felt so good and with a great priviledge to hear from the author's reading, for Ella deCastro is the author, I've noticed how easy she could disfocuse her eyes from the book and just continuing the narration of the story, that was to me a surprise, "well she knows what she wrote then I said." A four or five year book preparation work, that is just the best book to read as it is not just any book, it is a book detailed to collect and remember and re-read it in the elderly future to our teenagers.

Itchy Brown Girl Seeks Employment
By Ella deCastro
Looking at myself, I have noticed that I do like reading, however; it must be read by someone first so I can feel the desire to read more, or know more. Most of the time i could lose the focuse on the reding, when i get to other activities. But i know If i want to succeed I must read because
Reading is Important!!
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