WHAT IS BAYAN? Well it is to me is a way to express our self from the hearth towards Filipino American Society.
WHAT IS BAYAN? Bayan To me is a way to express my self from the hearth towards Filipino American Society. Being part of this community taught me so much about my own life as the same time I got to know my now many Filipino Barkadas an amazing two wonderful class. The beginning of this great time in my linked class at South Western College was a little confused, thinking that I could be confused to be a Filipino, which I was totally wrong; however, I could think that I could have one ancestor that can give my grandmother, mom, may be I a Filipino look. Being part of Personal Development class, directed or instructed by Maria Abuan, who is also a Nice and beautiful counselor at SWC, has really caught my attention at this edge of the semester as in October the thirty of two thousand and twelve, for amazingly my three quarter of my education life has been influenced by four Filipino Americans Barkadas since I started High School.
I had a great time at Hilltop High School with my Counselor, Nancy Yamada. Who directed my classes schedules, in order to me to approach to my fist in mind major as a Architect; however, my mind was honestly defocused for the reason that in mind there was a thinking of making great money, Idea that later on I will let you know how I changed my mind. After my freshmen year in High school, I had a new teacher called Alden Turiano, who have formed my second Filipino Barkada. Mr. Turiano when I first met him, he just began his career no so long time age, he was about 24 years old. Some change took place through the English program I was rolled in called, ELD which means English Learners Development. Due to some certain change in the program, we had a teacher change, so Mr. T had to teach a different class, although he seemed excited of being our teacher. this change took all my sophomore year. Just when I started my Jr year in high school, I had that privilege of being taught by a great Master, I can tell, because with Mr. Turiano, I’d learned not just English, but also I have learned to expose a quote presentation, which was an exercise to explain the meaning of it. Furthermore, Alden Turiano, prepared me and many of my classmates to an Interview, and in addition to develop a Resumé, which is a formal sheet with my personal Information with an objective, plus any skills, with job experiences. i learned to dress properly prior to attend an interview. That was just the beginning of my self being develop by this awesomest Filipinos Barkadas.
Six years later, now in time I can tell the experience I am taking with me home and to the next level in my college continuing education. To be a part of this Bayan community in college, really takes my heart in place. Even though I have to work with my current job as floor polisher in an overnight shift, and part of a church community Victory Outreach, and now at Southwestern College, I am being grateful with my Instructors, who are two great folks, Professors Aronson, and Maria Abuan, really are helping me and many of my classmates, to be freely involved with each other. They are honestly developing us as humans, by letting us know them, and helping us to get to know ourselves even more from what we know. Through history I could learned what my home country and Filipinos’ Country’ was related to the Spain colonisation. this gave me a knowledge of how related we are, in the way of many names and words that we are sharing like in food. In fact my personal development, has gone into my self, my identity, gone into the real Me. Now I understand through all the learning community, that the focus cannot be money that a career represents, yes money is good, but the importance of our satisfaction to get the good feeling of what we like to do is better. Thats is the one self we all should approach to, to obtain the total satisfaction from ourselves.
I am proud to be part of Bayan Community :)